Hello World

It has been about four years since I last blogged. It is something that has been on my mind ever since. I never really intended to stop. For me writing has never come easy though. I also have perfectionistic tendencies that get in the way.

Well much has happened since I last blogged, and one thing I am overcoming is the desire to make everything perfect. I am focusing on the 1% better. This original launch has little in the way of styling. Little in the way of content. Just a vision that remains mostly in my head.

My intention now is to setup a space where I can feel free to voice whatever is on my mind, no matter how big or how small. My only real constraint is to post at least (normally) once a week at a minimum. But with less constraints I am hoping to post more.

One way that I am hoping to do all of this is by changing to a new blogging platform called Hugo. I can focus on writing in strictly markdown here, use git for version control and deployment. Hopefully that removes some of the overhead on things.

So here’s to a new beginning, and a life of progress, revision, and improvement!